Brian Carlson
Lead Pastor
Church on the Hill would like to introduce our new Lead Pastor, Brian Carlson and his wife Rebekah. Brian has a MA in counseling from Denver Seminary and a BS in Bible from Multnomah University, Portland, OR.
Some of his experiences include being the lead pastor for Calvary Chapel of McMinnville, 2017-2023, the teaching pastor at another Church on the Hill from 2015-2017, and the student ministries pastor of Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs, 2004-2010. In addition, he also developed his own media company called o2 Media from 2014-2020.
Brian has done professional consulting for NW Worship Conference, Focus on the Family, and has served on the executive committee of the Franklin Graham Festival in Denver. He is a published author of the book “Wired: How You’re Wired, How You’re Called, How to Plug in,” Published 2022.
Brian and Rebekah have four grown children and one grandchild. Rebekah is a school teacher. Some of Brian and Rebekah’s personal interests are traveling, hiking, fishing, outdoors, Colorado Rockies Baseball, song writing, and music.
Tom Hemenway
Worship Leader
Tom is a talented musician who has years of experience leading worship at multiple churches, is a prolific recording artist, and reflects a heart for leading people into the presence of God through worship.
Tana Conner
Tana works in our office facilitating the ministries for our staff and members.
Church Leaders

Charlie Colvin
Greg Meeker
Gary Cooper
Jack Peacock
Amy Stauffer
Anna Marie Cooper
Julie Hines
Liz Colvin
Nicole Gurney
Sue Collier
Judith Dickson
Ministry Leaders
Care Team Leaders
AnnaMarie Cooper – Prayer Chain
Dr. Ion Spor – Counseling
Jack Peacock – Care Corps
Children’s Ministry Leaders
Alesa Gordon – Children’s Director
Shannon Stogdill – Nursery Director
Men’s Ministry Leader
Ion Spor – Bible Studies
Charlie Colvin – Bible Studies
Missions Leader
Sue Reisman
Senior Leader
Volunteer Leaders
Marty Conner – Greeting / Host
Tana Conner – Maintenance / Admin

Website Ministry
Zack Lawrence
Women’s Ministry Leader
Worship Ministry Leader
Tom Hemenway – Worship Leader

Youth Ministry Leaders
Josh & Maddy – Youth Group