Relational Unity is the Key to Thriving in a World that Hates Jesus” Study of John 17:1-26 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 45 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.
Access to the Father is a Bigger Deal than We Realize
“Access to the Father is a Bigger Deal than We Realize” Study of John 15:16-33 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 44 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.
Gratitude in the Eye of the Storm
“Gratitude in the Eye of the Storm” by guest speaker Kenny Easton of Mountaintop Retreat.
We Study Jesus’ Words Today Because These Men Followed This Plan
“We Study Jesus’ Words Today Because These Men Followed This Plan” Study of John 16:1-15 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 43 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.
Are you a friend of Jesus, or a friend of the world?
“Are you a friend of Jesus, or a friend of the world?” Study of John 15:9-27 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 42 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.
A Connected Pipe Grows and Produces Fruit
“A Connected Pipe Grows and Produces Fruit” Study of John 15:1-8 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 41 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.