The Father and the Son are One Study of John 5:16-29 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 15 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.
Obedience is More Powerful than our Circumstances
“Obedience is more powerful than our circumstances” Study of John 5:1-15 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 14 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.
Seasons Come, Seasons Go
“Seasons Come, Seasons Go” message by John Craft, Regional Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Church Network.
People seek fireworks, but Jesus works in dynamite
“People seek fireworks, but Jesus works in dynamite” Study of John 4:43-54 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 13 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.
Dive in to His Word to get to know Jesus firsthand
“Dive in to His Word to get to know Jesus firsthand” Study of John 4:27-42 by Pastor Brian Carlson. Part 12 of I AM: A Verse-by-Verse Study of John’s Gospel.
God’s Heart Beats for You
“God’s Heart Beats for You,” Easter morning service by Pastor Brian Carlson.